A list of some, but not all, of the instrumentation in the lab the makes our science happen

Olympus IX-83
Setup for 488, 561, 633 nm excitation through-the objective TIRF or epifluorescence. Two-color detection with a 560 nm dichroic. Photometrics 95B sCMOS.
Olympus IX-73
488, 532, 633 nm excitation with TIRF, HILO, or epifluorescence. Double Helix Spindle^2 3D imaging capabilities. Andor iXon 897 Life EMCCD.
Homebuilt Light Sheet
Setup for 532 nm excitation. Scanning light sheet 3D static and dynamic imaging. Teledyne Photometrics Kinetix 22mm sCMOS.
Inspection Microscope
When you just want to take a little peek at your sample before treking down to the basement of Rockefeller.
Jasco FP-8350 with 4-cell, Peltier temperature control, and solid state sample add-ons
UV-visible spectrophotometer
Jasco V-750 with OneDrop micro volume sampling add-on
Type 1 water system
You can't see single-molecules if your water is dirty!
Plasma cleaner
Look at the glow! You also can't see single molecules if your coverslips are dirty. The plasma can be used to change surface chemistry too. Hooked up to O2 tank.
Biosafety Cabinet

-80 C freezer
Keeping everything nice and chilly. On emergency power.
Cryo Storage Tank
When nice and chilly isn't cold enough.
Conductivity Meter

pH meter
CO2 incubator
Keeping those eukaryotic cells nice and toasty at 37 C
Bacteria incubator
Keeping those bacteria also nice and toasty
Thermal Shaker
Then shake those bacteria cells up!
After their warm lil' shake, we bust the bacteria open to get the protein inside
Vacuum Oven
Spin coater
Yes it's a CD player. But it spins and works!
"Raman" microscope
Not currently setup, but could be a fun project. Andor Xyla cameras for spectroscopic detection.
Gas tanks
We have Ar, O2, N2, and CO2 currently in the lab