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Image by Alex Litvin

Fall conference travel for the group

9/30 - 10/5/2024 -  The lab is sharing their research at a couple of fall conferences. Mai attended the 38th Gibbs Conference on Biothermodynamics in Carbondale, IL, presenting his poster "Cross-Correlation Super-Resolution Optical Fluctuation Imaging for Studying Biomolecule Conformation and Diffusion Dynamics in Extracellular Matrix."

Lydia is brushing off her artistic skills to give a literal chalk talk presentation at the Midwestern Universities Analytical Chemistry Conference (MUACC) in Detroit on "Super-Resolution Imaging of Mass Transfer Dynamics"


DOE Early Career Program grant awarded

9/10/2024 -  The lab has received a $875,000 grant through the DOE Early Career Research Program. Through this program, we will extend our single-molecule separation science research to rare earth elements (REEs) to inform the design and development of new, more efficient ways to extract these critical elements to support clean energy infrastructure. It will also include support for collaborations at CWRU & LLNL. 


Read more about the project in the story in CWRU's The Daily:


New paper out - featured on journal cover!

9/6/2024 - We're excited to have our work featured on the cover of the Journal of Applied Physics! Check out Stephanie's research on our light sheet microscope, along with a tutorial of how to design, build, & calibrate your own. The cover art was done by artist-in-residence Vivian Wattle.

Read the paper here:

Image description: An optical objective focuses a light sheet through a porous hydrogel to image fluorescent macromolecules (gray with green outline) in the extracellular environment outside of cells (shown near the edges of the hydrogel). Kramer, et al. provide readers a tutorial on how light-sheet microscopy allows for three-dimensional imaging of micro- and nanoscale features and can be applied to research questions beyond the cell.

Neon Hello

Welcome new members!

8/26/2024 - We are happy to have several new lab members join the group during the fall semester. This includes Masters researcher Charlotte Bimson (joining our separations team, researching protein electrophoretic separations in collaboration with Prof. Umut Gurkan's lab) and lab engineers Gaurav Srivastav and Anjali Agnihotram, who will be supporting multiple projects in the lab by designing, engineering, and making stuff at Think[box]. Wecome to the team!

Neon Sign

Congrats to Stephanie - new position

8/26/2024 - Congratulations to postdoctoral researcher Dr. Stephanie Kramer on her new position as a lecturer in the department of chemistry at CWRU.  It's bittersweet that we won't see you at the microscopes in the lab as often anymore, but we're happy you aren't going far! Stephanie will remain involved with our extracelullar matrix subgroup.

Neon Hello

New team member

8/5/2024 - We are happy to welcome postdoctoral researcher Dr. Dani Latham to the group this week! Dani joins us by way of Clemson University's Department of Physics & Prof. Hugo Sanabria's SMBLab. She will be on our extracellular matrix team working to determine the exclude volume outside the cell & how that effects protein dynamics. Welcome & we look forward to your contributions in CWRU's Department of Physics!


Media mention - Lydia quoted in Chemistry World

7/31/2024 - Lydia was quoted in the article “Drugs and vaccines could be freed from cold chains by hydrogel” in the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Chemistry World magazine. She and the lab provided commentary on a new Nature paper related to mechanical release of biologics from gels (Link)


New paper out

7/30/2024 - Congratulations to Mai and Ben on their manuscript "Cross-Correlation Increases Sampling in Diffusion-Based Super-Resolution Optical Fluctuation Imaging" published in ACS' Chemical & Biomedical Imaging.  They developed both the mathematical analytical framework and demonstrated the range and application of cross-correlation analysis to produce super-resolution images with diffusing emitters. Check it out here:


Summer conferences

June & July 2024 - Lydia presented at the Allen Frontiers Symposium in Seattle and as a keynote speaker at HPLC in Denver. Further, Vignesh and Lydia crashed the electron microscopy party at the Microscopy & Microanalysis (M&M) Conference taking place in downtown Cleveland in late July. Vignesh presented a poster on Monday, July 29th. 


Aqueous Corrosion Gordon Conference

7/7-7/12/2024 - Dr. Lian Liu presented the lab's work at the Aqueous Corrosion Gordon Research Conference being held at Colby-Sawyer College in New London, New Hampshire.

Neon Hello

Welcome new members!

6/3/2024 - We are happy to have several new lab members join the group for the summer and longer term. This includes PhD researchers Angela Noreck & Aavash Shakya, artist-in-residence Vivian Wattle, and high school researcher Lily Andrews. Welcome and we are looking forward to your contributions to the lab & new discoveries you will make!


Microscopy Society of Northeast Ohio conference

5/22/2024 - CWRU Physics was well-represented at the Microscopy Society of Northeast Ohio meeting at John Carroll University. Congrats and thanks to Zechariah on his presentation award, Ricardo for assisting in organizing on the MSNO board, Mai on his talk!  Akeshi also represented the Strangi group with a poster.

Neon Sign

Lab members off to new adventures

5/10-5/17/2024 - We bid adieu to lab engineer Cole as he heads to Texas for a position at SpaceX, undergraduate researcher Zhanda Chen who is off to UMass Amherst for a PhD in polymer science, and Dr. Lian Liu who is joining Verdagy to work on hydrogen fuel storage.  Congratulations and you will be missed!


New paper out!

5/9/2024 - Congratulations to Lian and co-authors on their paper out in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society entitled "A Turn-Off Fluorescent Sensor for Metal Ions Quantifies Corrosion in an Organic Solvent." We're also happy to have it featured in a Focus Issue on celebrating the storied history and exciting current work in electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering at Case Western Reserve University. Check the paper out here!


Ricardo's DOE fellowship & grad award

4/24/2024 - Congratulations to Ricardo, a 5th year PhD researcher in the lab!  He has been selected as one of 86 graduate students for a Department of Energy’s Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program award. He will spend 6 months at Lawrence Livermore National Lab in the Systems and Synthetic Biology group researching proteins that can be applied to separate rare earth elements, critical materials for green technologies.

You can read more about Ricardo in his feature in The Daily here.

Ricardo was also recognized with a 2024 Ruth Barber Moon Award from the School of Graduate Studies which recognizes his outstanding academic achievements and leadership.


Lab presentations at APS March Meeting

3/3-3/8/2024 - The lab will be sharing a lot of our recent research in Minneapolis. Be sure to check out talks by Stephanie, Ricardo, and Mai on Wednesday, along with Zhanda's poster. Later in the meeting Vignesh presents on Thursday, with Zechariah, Lian, and Lydia wrapping up Friday. Hope to see you there!


Allen Institute features expansion mass spec research

2/29/24 - Check out this fun story about our recent progress on developing expansion mass spectrometry in collaboration with Prof. Laura Sanchez' group at UC Santa Cruz. Congrats to Vignesh, Cole, and Zhanda for all your great progress!
Story: "Cellular yoga: Stretching cells to see a hidden world"


Lydia presents at PittCon

2/25 -2/28/2024 Lydia will be sharing the lab's work in two talks at PittCon (the Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy) in San Diego.


Mai interviewed on "Hidden Physics" show

2/15/2024 - Lab member Mai Antarasen shared his & the lab's research in an interview with ฟิสิกส์ใต้เตียง - Hidden Physics, bringing our research to a new audience 🇹🇭. Check out the Facebook Live recording here:

Neon Sign

Congratulations to Surajit on his next step!

We said farewell to Dr. Surajit Chatterjee as he goes on to his next position as a staff research scientist at the University of Florida medical school. We wish you the best in your next endeavors and thank you for all your contributions to the lab's research and community.


Lab & CWRU presentations at Chemical Separations Gordon Research Conference

1/21/2024 - Lydia and Ricardo attended and presented at the Chemical Separations GRC in Galveston, Texas 1/21-1/26. Lydia shared the labs work in a talk "Visualizing van Deemter: Super-resolution Imaging of Mass Transfer Dynamics," while Ricardo presented a poster at the GRC and a talk at the preceding GRS. Ricardo was also awarded a fellowship to support his travels - congratulations! In addition to our lab, CWRU was nicely represented, as our collaborators in the Duval and Gurkan lab's were also in attendance.

Neon Sign

Congratulations on your next adventures!

12/15/2023 - We bid adieu to Dr. Anuj Saini and Aman Kapoor as they leave CWRU and the lab for their next positions. Anuj is starting as a Research and Development Scientist at Miraclon Corporation, while Aman is interviewing for post-bacc research opportunities before applying to medical school. Thank you for all your contributions to the lab!


Aman featured in The Daily

12/8/2023 - Undergraduate researchers are key members of our team in the Kisley lab. Aman Kapoor (CWRU Physics '23) presented the culmination of his senior project research Friday 12/8, at the Intersections poster session  and at his thesis defense. His research & experience in the lab was also featured in The Daily which you can read here:

Image by Alex Litvin

Upcoming presentations

Lydia will be sharing the lab's work on "Super-resolution fluorescence imaging of extracellular environments" at:

11/2/2023 - Johns Hopkins University, Department of Mechanical Engineering

11/19/2023 - University of Michigan, Department of Biophysics

11/30/2023 - Kent State University, Department of Physics

12/14/2023 - Case Western Reserve University, Department of Biochemistry


Sharing Undergraduate Research

10/19 - 10/20/2023 - Ben presented his work on nanoscale imaging as an elevator pitch "Research Spotlight" to the Board of Trustees, along with other undergraduate researchers (fellow physics major Joann Jones with her research mentors are in the photo). Ben, along with Aman and Summer, also presented posters on their work in the lab at the APS EGLS at Cleveland State.


Innovator of the Year: Early Career award

9/27/2023 - The group's hard work was recognized during CWRU's Innovation Week where Lydia was received the university-wide "Innovator of the Year: Early Career" award. Congratulations to everyone in the lab for their contributions to make innovation happen in the lab!


PBS Interview

9/4/2023 - Lydia had a great time sharing her approach to science, along with some of the lab's work on PBS Western Reserve's Forum 360! She was happy to share the stage with the physics department's newest faculty member Prof. Johanna Nagy. You can watch the whole interview on YouTube or on your TV with the PBS Passport app.

Image by Alex Litvin

Upcoming presentations

Lydia will be sharing the lab's work at:

8/15/2023 - ACS National Meeting in San Francisco, "Spatially resolving size effects on diffusivity in nanoporous extracellular matrix-like materials with super-resolution correlation analysis" 3:10pm - 03:40pm, Room 205, South Bldg. (Moscone Center)

8/22/2023 - Indiana University Analytical/Chemical Biology Seminar "Single molecule imaging of complex materials: chromatography and the extracellular matrix," 2:30 pm, C033

9/18/2023 - Ohio State University


3M Non-tenured Faculty Symposium

8/8-8/9/2023 -  Lydia visited the 3M campus in Minnesota and shared the lab's work on super-resolution imaging of chromatography. It was also great to meet other assistant professors, 3Mers, and former colleagues during the visit!


Undergraduate researchers present at Intersections

8/4/23 - congratulations to Summer, Ben, and Tyler on sharing their summer research results with the campus community at the Intersections poster session. Ben and Tyler were further featured in The Daily - read more about their reflections on their work here.

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Lab potluck!

7/28/23 -

Happy summer!

The Kisley lab and friends shared their cooking talents with a potluck, and spent some time at Lake Erie.


Lydia attends Cottrell Scholar Conference

7/20-22/23 - Lydia had a lot of interesting conversations and attended talks during the RCSA Cottrell Scholars Conference in Tucson, AZ. Uniquely, topics focused on teaching and change in the academy compared to many research-based conferences. Congratulations to all of the awardees!

Neon Hello

Welcome Zechariah, Cole, and Summer!

Summer 2023 - The team continues to grow as we welcome some excellent scientists and engineers to the group! Dr. Zechariah Pfaffenberger joins us by way of Michigan to work on single-molecule imaging of corrosion; Cole Reinholt is an engineer working on our expansion microscopy project; Summer Carver is a rising senior physics major collaborating between the Kash and Kisley labs on Raman microscopy of novel III-V materials. Looking forward to your contributions!


Group attends SAS/MSNO May Meeting

5/24/2023 - The group had a great time attending the Microscopy Society of Northeastern Ohio/Society for Applied Spectroscopy May Meeting at John Carroll University. The lab was well-represented with five posters and Ricardo came home with a poster presentation award! There were a number of interesting talks ranging from SEM in space to polymer degradation to cellular crowding. It's a great local meeting - thanks to the organizers for putting it together.

Image by Baim Hanif

Jack and Daniel off to new adventures

5/21/2023 - Congrats to our undergrad researchers who graduated from CWRU this weekend! Jack in engineering physics is off to U Chicago for a physics PhD, while Daniel in electrical engineering is headed to work for Qualus! We're so proud of you & your accomplishments!


New publication out in JPCB!

5/11/2023 - Congratulations to Surajit, Stephanie, Ben, & Albert on their detailed, quantitative work published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. We test the accuracy of our super-resolution method fcsSOFI experimentally and find some interesting results on the effects of crowding vs. confinement on diffusion. Check it out here:

Image by Danny Howe

Undergraduate researcher success

4/23/2023 - Ben Wellnitz has received summer research funding through CWRU's SOURCE office. Congratulations and looking forward to continuing working with you into the summer!
4/28/2023 - Aman Kapoor was awarded 1st place presetnation award at the SOURCE Intersections conference at CWRU. Way to represent the lab!


New publication - corrosion in organic solvents

4/14/2023 - Happy to share our recent publication studying corrosion in non-aqueous conditions using fluorescence! We're excited that dyes may be able to understand corrosion in environments where other methods fail due to lack of solution conductivity. Congrats to Zack, Daniel, & Mark on this work. It's provided the base for our current collaboration with Lubrizol where we're studying corrosion in their fluids used in automotive applications. You can check the article out here:


Lab alum receives NSF GRFP

3/31/2023 - Congratuations are in order for lab alumnus Shawn Yoshida (CWRU Physics, '21) who has received a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program award. Shawn is currently pursuing his PhD in biophysics at Caltech in Prof. Shasha Chong's lab.

Image by Alex Litvin

Stephanie and Lydia share work at American Chemical Society meeting

3/27-3/28/2023 - Stephanie will present Tuesday, March 28, 2023 from 2:30 PM - 2:55 PM in Rm 241 on "Biomolecule dynamics in extracellular matrix analogues determined via fluorescence correlation spectroscopy super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging (fcsSOFI)" in the PHYS symposium Frontiers of Structural Biology in Complex Environments. Lydia will be giving the Kavli lecture on Monday (see details below). Hope to see you in Indianapolis!


Lydia to give Kavli Emerging Leader in Chemistry Lecture at Spring ACS

3/27/2023 - Lydia is excited & honored to present a Kavli lecture at the ACS National Meeting in Indianapolis! She will share how we study materials with single-molecule microscopy to impact the many subfields that intersect with physical chemistry at the "crossroads of chemistry."


Paper published!

3/13/2023 - Congratulations to former group member Hannah Messenger, along with Daniel and Anuj on their paper in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. Based on Hannah's senior thesis and Daniel's undergrad research we show that modeling can inform our single-molecule microscopy. We report that "Native diffusion of fluorogenic turn-on dyes accurately report interfacial chemical reaction locations." Read more here:

Image by Drew Beamer

Welcome Lian!

3/6/2023 - Dr. Lianlian Liu has joined the group as a postdoctoral researcher. Dr. Liu brings her expertise as a material scientist studying steel corrosion at Texas A&M to contribute our single-molecule understanding of corrosion in organic environments. Welcome and we are loking forward to working with you!

Image by Alex Litvin

Ricardo and Anuj attend American Physical Society March Meeting

3/4-3/9/23 - Check out the lab's work in Las Vegas!
- Ricardo will be presenting "Single-molecule imaging in commercial stationary phase particles using highly inclined and laminated optical sheet microscopy" Thu. March 9, 10:00 a.m. – 10:12 a.m. PST in Room 127
- Anuj will present "Super-Resolution Imaging of Corrosion by Single Molecule Fluorescence Microscopy" Thu. March 9, 12:06 p.m. – 12:18 p.m. PST in Room 209


Aman presents work at Lubrizol-CWRU Celebration

3/1/2023 - Congrats to group member Aman on his poster presentation! He shared his & Ricardo's work at the Lubrizol-CWRU Celebration. It's been a great experience to work w/ industry & we look forward to continuing our collaboration with Lubrizol into the future, as the lab received a Lubrizol Innovation Prize to investigate corrosion in non-aqueous lubricants.

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Surajit and Vignesh attend Biophysical Society Meeting

2/18-/2/22/23 - Check out the lab's work in San Diego on Sunday, February 19th at 1:45 pm in Exhibit Hall BC during the Optical Microscopy and Superresolution Imaging I poster session:
- Vignesh will be presenting "Expansion Microscopy through Mechanical Force" at B452
- Surajit will be presenting "Characterization of (Bio)molecular Diffusion in Porous Hydrogels by fcsSOFI" at B446


Lydia named Cottrell Scholar

2/9/2023 - Lydia is a recipient of one of the 2023 Cottrell Scholar Awards. RCSA's Cottrell Scholar program honors and helps to develop outstanding teacher-scholars who are recognized by their scientific communities for the quality and innovation of their research programs and their potential for academic leadership. In 2023, 25 early career scholars in chemistry, physics, and astronomy were named and received $100,000. The support from RCSA will help us incorporate core facility instrumentation in the classroom & our research in separations.


Ricardo receives travel award

2/6/2023 - Congratulations to PhD group member Ricardo on being awarded a DPOLY Short-Course Graduate Student Travel Scholarship! Ricardo will be attending the Polymer Physics of Separation Membranes course, along with presenting his research on separations at the APS March Meeting in Las Vegas.


Paper published!

1/18/2023 -  Excited to share Ricardo’s new work in Analytical Chemistry – using an optical design originally used in cells, we performed 3D super-resolution imaging of single analyte dynamics within chromatography stationary phase materials. This allows us to image commercial – not model – materials used in columns at the single-molecule scale to better connect fundamental observations to applications. Check it out here: Congratulations!


Lab awarded Allen Distinguished Investigator funding

12/15/2022 - The Paul G. Allen Frontiers Institute has named Lydia an Allen Distinguished Investigator along with our collaborator Prof. Laura Sanchez at UC Santa Cruz. We look forward to developing new ways to sense nutrients in cells using expansion with the support. Learn more here from the Allen Institute and from our feature in the Case Daily.


Upcoming Talks

11/11-12/8/2022 - Lydia has a number of upcoming presentations if you are interested in the latest and greatest work going on in the lab. Several will have Zoom options if you want to join remotely. Please go to the host department website for information.

Friday, 11/11, U. Arkansas Analytical Seminar, via Zoom, 5 pm EST

Tuesday, 11/15, U. Akron, Chemical, Biomolecular and Corrosion Engineering, 1 pm EST

Thursday, 11/17, CWRU Physics Colloquium, Rock 301, 4 pm EST

Wednesday, 11/30, Rice U., Chemistry Kinsey Lecture, 5 pm EST

Thursday, 12/8, CWRU Biology Colloquium, DeGrace Hall, 4 pm EST


Stories of Science in the Cleveland Cultural Gardens

10/29/2022 - Lydia and Tiffany shared the results of Tiffany's summer research on "Jeanette Grasselli Brown and Using Light to Understand the Mystery of Molecules" with the Hungarian Garden. We were lucky enough to have Jenny join us for the event too!

Neon Sign

Congrats Zack on your next endeavor!

10/14/2022 - We had a send off for Zack as he leaves the lab for a job in industry at Mactac. Congrats on the new position and you will be missed in the lab!


Lydia attends SciX

Lydia is presenting the lab's work on separations and corrosion at the annual Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies' SciX conference in Covington, KY. She's especially looking forward to sharing Ricardo's work during the FACSS Innovation Award competition that recognizes " the most innovative and outstanding new research advancements debuted orally at the SciX Conference." If you're in Kentucky we hope to see you there!


CWRU Innovation Award


Lydia and the hard work of the lab have been recognized in CWRU's inaugural Innovation Week with a "Faculty Innovator Award." We will be recognized at a campus event on September 15. You can learn more about Innovation Week from CWRU here.

Image by Alex Litvin

Fall ACS National Meeting


Lydia is hosting the PHYS symposium "Standing Out in the Crowd: Dynamics of Biomolecules in Complex Environments"  along with Caitlin Davis and Julie Biteen M-W and giving talks on corrosion (W) and chromatography (R). Hope to see you in Chicago!


Congratulations go to Lydia on being recognized by 3M's Non-Tenured Faculty Award (NTFA)!


The NTFA from 3M recognizes excellent junior faculty members who have been nominated by 3M researchers for their demonstrated record of research, experience, and academic leadership. The award will help support our lab’s research activities in imaging porous materials. Lydia will present her research to 3M's corporate headquarters later this year along with the other national awardees.


Lab Lunch Outing


We had a fun time out at Goldhorn Brewery with the Saini group to celebrate the mid-summer point of research!


Welcome Sarah!


We're happy to have our collaborator Sarah Levy join us from UCSC for the month to help establish a cell line for our Scialog collaboration with Prof. Laura Sanchez' group. We look forward to working with you!

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Surajit's 1st place poster


Congrats to Dr. Surajit Chatterjee on being awarded 1st place in the poster session at the Cleveland Center for Membrane & Structural Biology Symposium! Surajit shared his past research on DNA dynamics w/ Prof. Nils Walter's lab & his current work imaging biomolecule dynamics in the ECM. Way to represent the lab & also show that nanoscale dynamics are just as informative as static, Angstrom-level images :)

Image by Danny Howe

Congrats to lab alum, Will Schmid, on his NSF GRFP


We’re happy to celebrate the successes of both present and former group members. It was great to hear Will Schmid (CWRU Physics, Class of 2020) was awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! Will worked in the Kisley Lab from 2019-2020 on improving the accessibility and functionality of the fcsSOFI analysis (See his publication: Computationally-efficient spatiotemporal correlation analysis super-resolves anomalous diffusion.) The fellowship will support his current PhD work in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rice University with Prof. Alessandro Alabastri. 


Congratulations - Zack passes his Masters thesis defense!




Lydia shares scientific outreach with Cleveland-Bratislava Sister Cities organization


Lydia spoke about the scientific pursuits of Gen. Milan Štefánik, Cleveland’s Cultural Garden connection & how global & local history inspires interest in STEM at the Cleveland-Bratislava Sister Cities organization (hosted at the Cuyahoga Public Library Independence Branch).


Lydia attends ACS in San Diego




Group attends APS in Chicago




Lydia awarded NSF CAREER!


Image by Drew Beamer

Welcome Stephanie!


Dr. Stephanie Kramer has joined the lab as a postdoctoral researcher after recently completing her PhD at Carnegie Mellon. Welcome to the lab!


Happy International Day of Women & Girls in Science


Neon Light Tree

Lydia presents virtually at Pacifichem



Neon Hello

Welcome Surajit!


We’re happy to have Dr. Surajit Chatterjee join our group as a postdoctoral researcher. Welcome!


Awarded “Scialog: Chemical Machinery of the Cell” funding


Thanks to the Research Corporation for Science Advancement and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation for awarding our group funding. The award will support an interdisciplinary project with Dr. Laura Sanchez and UC Santa Cruz and Dr. Ronit Freeman at UNC Chapel Hill to apply our expansion microscopy/hydrogel stretcher device to “Stretching Reality to Discover the (un)Knowns.” We’re looking forward to the collaboration and getting to work! You can find out more about the RCSA Scialog awards here:


Preprint on FRET analysis is now live!


Happy to be part of the kinSoftChallenge - a blind study of single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET) kinetic analysis algorithms. Observing the movements of one single molecule over time provides information of the underlying energetic origin of protein function at the (sub-)molecular level. Yet, experimental & fundamental limitations complicate the extraction of this important information. The challenge compared different kinetic softwares to determine what the strengths and weaknesses of each were for analyzing data complicated by noise, multiple states, or degeneracies. The results of this multi-team study are now available via BioRxiv and are under peer review. Check out the results here!

Image by Alex Litvin

Presentation at University of Akron, Department of Chemistry



Image by National Cancer Institute

Lydia participates in Scialog: Chemical Machinery of the Cell virtual workshop




Lydia presents at 2nd Wintergreen Meeting of Physical Chemists


It’s now a biennial tradition! Lydia headed to western Virginia to share the group’s recent progress. She had a lot of fun seeing old colleagues and meeting new postdocs in the field. A lot of exciting science was discussed - attending meetings in-person is awesome!


MRS Communications publication on detection of anodic corrosion reactions available online



Research on imaging the extracellular matrix funded by NIH NIGMS!


Big news for the lab, as we are now NIH funded! We have received an R35 Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award for Early Stage Investigators (MIRA ESI) from the NIH - National Institute of General Medical Sciences. The funding will support our research over the next five years imaging protein dynamics in the extracellular matrix. We’re looking forward to the discoveries to be made!

Neon Sign

Good luck to Zhenghao!


We bid adieu to master student Zhenghao as he heads to Texas A&M for a PhD in physics. Congratulations!


Shawn, Hannah, and Lydia featured in art/sci magazine


Mentorship and undergraduate research in the lab during the pandemic was featured in the CWRU College of Arts and Sciences Spring/Summer 2021 magazine. You can check it out here:


Pedagogy paper in The Biophysicist published!


Teaching during COVID was an adventure, but led to some creative assignments. Lydia has a new publication featuring how core facilities can be used in instrumentation courses remotely. The work is in The Biophysicist, a journal published by the Biophysical Society. Thanks to all the PHYS 330/430 students from Fall 2020 for their comments on this assignment. Check out the manuscript here:

Image by Danny Howe

Shawn and Hannah receive departmental awards


We are very proud of our recent group alumni Shawn Yoshida and Hannah Messenger on their physics department awards which recognize their excellence in research and service to the department. Shawn received the Wyant award for resarch accomplishments outside of senior project, while Hannah received the Foldy Award for an outstanding senion in physics and the Garwin award for service and scholarship in physics. Congratulations!

Image by Pawel Czerwinski

Lydia hosts Colloids and Interfaces in Biology and Medicine sessions at the virtual 95th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium


More details about the conference can be found at

Neon Sign

Congratulations Bill on your next endeavors


Congratulations to group member Bill Calabrase on completing his time at CWRU with a Masters degree in Physics. While we are sad to see you go, we know you’ll be off to do great things!


Group attends Probing Chemical Reactions by Single-Molecule Spectroscopy 2021 conference


With a great line-up of speakers, the group attended the single-molecule conference virtually. Lydia also presented on the group’s work on imaging and modeling corrosion at the single molecule scale. We learned a lot and can’t wait for the next conference (with the hope it will be in person)! Thank you to Randy and Suzanne for organizing an engaging meeting.

Image by Danny Howe

Anuj receives Microscopy and Microanalysis award


Congrats to group postdoctoral researcher Dr. Anuj Saini who received a Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M) Postdoctoral Award! Microscope Looking forward to your presentation at the August M&M conference:


Lydia presents at Life, the Universe, and Hot Dogs


Lydia talked about the scientific life of Milan Štefánik and the history of his statue in the Slovak cultural garden in Cleveland. Video link of the talk can be found here:

Neon Sign

Congrats to the grads, Shawn and Andrew!


It was a celebratory but also somewhat sad day in lab, as we sent off seniors Shawn (Physics, 2021) and Andrew (Engineering Physics, 2021). They accomplished a lot during their time in the group. Shawn was the OG member since 2019 and worked on the fcsSOFI project, publishing our first analysis paper in Optics Express and code available on GitHub. He mastered the art of presenting on Zoom throughout the past year. Andrew was a jack of all trades on a project that required engineering and interdisciplinary work. He used ThinkBox laser cutters and 3D printers to build a gel stretcher and learned some polymer chemistry with hydrogel synthesis. He took a project that was an idea on paper and made it a reality! We wish them the best as they pursue their PhDs at Caltech & UIUC, respectively!

Image by Alex Litvin

Andrew, Anoushka, and Shawn present at Intersections


Congratulations to the undergraduate researchers in our group on their successful year of research. To learn more about what they accomplished, please attend CWRU’s Virtual Intersections and Celebration of Student Writing and Research.

You can find out more and access the live and recorded talks here:

and on YouTube:

Image by Danny Howe

Group awarded funding though 2021 Expanding Horizons Initiative!


In collaboration with Prof. Christine Duval’s group in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, we are happy to share our Interdisciplinary Grant project “Imaging and Designing Better Separations for Radiochemical Elements” has been funded through CWRU’s Expanding Horizons Initiative. You can find out more here: We are looking forward to working on this project through the next year and thank the College of Arts and Sciences and Dean Ward for support.

Image by Alex Litvin

Anuj presents at MRS


Anuj will be presenting about our work on single molecule corrosion detection at the Materials Research Society spring meeting on Thursday 4/22, at 10:25 pm. You can find the details here:


Paper accepted!


Lydia and Shawn’s perspective on super-resolution imaging in extracellular environments has been accepted in Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy! You can access the “Just Accepted” version here:

Image by Alex Litvin

Anuj and Shawn present at APS March Meeting


If you’re at the virtual meeting, we hope you’ll stop by and hear about the new research from our group. Shawn is presenting on Thursday in V12: Instrumentation and Techniques and Anuj on Friday in Session X10: Chemical Physics on the Nanoscale

Image by Danny Howe

Anoushka awarded SOURCE WiSTEM funding!


Congratulations to undergraduate group member Anoushka for her proposal “Incorporating Diffusion into Modeling of Separations” being supported through the SOURCE Semester Award program. This is generously supported through the Case Alumni Association.


Optics Express publication on GPU-parallelized fcsSOFI


Congrats to Shawn, Will, Nam, and Bill on their publication and software package! fcsSOFI is our correlation-based analysis code that allows for super-resolution imaging of diffusion dynamics. We’ve improved the computation time by 40x and expanded the diffusion models to image anomalous diffusion in biophysically-relevant environments. We hope that the user-friendly GUI will allow other researchers to apply our analysis to their own research.

You can check out the paper here:


Lydia nominated for the J. Bruce Jackson, M.D., Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Mentoring!




Happy Holidays - our first research article on corrosion detection is now live!


Find it here: 

Congrats to Anuj and Hannah! We show that corrosion can be monitored with dyes that can be detected at the single molecule scale. We first characterized the dye turn-on of Fe corrosion in bulk, resolving color & fluorescence changes, along with quantifying kinetics. Then we moved onto the microscopic detection showing we can observe single molecule corrosion events with our fluorophore readout on our TIRF microscope. Previous fluorescence corrosion detection was therefore only limited by the optical components used.

This work is the first step in what we hope is a new way to understand corrosion at the ultimate limit of detection. We have more work in the pipeline on the diffusion of our dye & are looking forward to studying the spatial & kinetic dynamics of corrosion at the single-molecule level.

Image by Danny Howe

Kisley Group sweeps the Intersections conference physical science awards!


Big congrats to group members Hannah and Shawn for having their talks recognized with the Physical Science presentation awards at the December Intersections: SOURCE Symposium! Way to represent the group!

Neon Sign

Congrats to Hannah!


Congratulations were in order at our last group meeting of the semester for Hannah’s graduation from CWRU. Hannah achieved a lot during her 2020 senior project in our group. She shifted from experiment to modeling corrosion and shared her results via a poster and presentation at CWRU Intersections. She is also a co-author on a manuscript from our lab. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!

Image by Danny Howe

Shawn’s talk selected as Honorable Mention at GCURS!


Congrats to Shawn Yoshida for winning an honorable mention award for his presentation at the 2020 Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium. The session was held virtually on Saturday, October 31 and Shawn shared his research on imaging protein diffusion in confined environments.


Lab participates in Sciencepalooza!


We enjoyed the outreach opportunity through the CWRU Science and Human Rights Coalition graduate student organization. We shared our labs microscopy and simulation methods with students from John Hay High School.


ACS Petroleum Research Fund grant funded!


We’re excited to share that our grant “Single Molecule Imaging of Catalysis in Complex Petroleum Environments” has received funding from the American Chemical Society. We’re looking forward to studying turn-on fluorescence in new solvents and mixtures starting in 2021!

Image by Alex Litvin

Shawn presents at Ohio APS meeting




Lydia featured on Channel 19 Women in STEM interview


Thanks to Kelly Dobeck for featuring our research on Cleveland’s Channel 19. Check out the video here:


Lydia and Shawn attend Gibbs34

10/4/2020 - 10/5/2020

No trip to Southern Illinois this year, but we still made it the conference virtually! Lydia co-chaired the poster sessions of the 34th Gibbs Conference on Biological Thermodynamics, while Shawn presented his work “Characterizing the simulated anomalous diffusion of proteins in relation to the nanoporous structure of extracellular matrix-relevant hydrogels.”


Perspective published in Analytical Chemistry


Congrats to Bill on his first publication “Transforming separation science with single-molecule methods.” Written in collaboration with the Landes group at Rice, we present our perspective on future ways single molecule microscopy can contribute to our understanding of separations.  We discuss ways that instrumentation improvements (multicolor, 3D imaging, time resolution), sample complexity (mixtures, high concentrations, solvents), & expanding the types of separations studied at the single molecule level (chiral, radiochem, etc.) can be applied in new ways.


Publication in Langmuir


Check out our collaborative paper with Ryan Bailey’s group at Michigan and Paul Braun’s group at Illinois showing how different polymer brush-analyte properties can be quantified with a single tool: the microring resonator. pKa, partition coefficients, diffusion constants, brush thickness, and analyte penetration depth can all be determined.

Find the paper here!

Image by Alex Litvin

Presentation at ACS Fall Virtual Meeting


Lydia will be presenting Tuesday morning at 11:10 Eastern/8:10 Pacific in the “Single-molecule microscopy of molecular search processes: from fundamental biophysics inquiry, to pharmaceutical applications” session. Zoom is available for anyone to attend!

Neon Sign

Will’s last day & send off


While we are sad to see him go, we wish group member Will Schmid the best of luck in his graduate studies at Rice University! Thanks for all of your contributions to the group!

Image by Sharon McCutcheon

Diversity discussion & statement


Our group has been reflecting on diversity and inclusion in science and the broader world. We have had multiple discussions on how diversity and representation relates to our role as a research group and as individual scientists. We have incorporated our reflection in a diversity statement now available on our website. We also include  resources and opportunities that we encourage our members to participate in to make science and physics a more equitable and better place!


Lydia selected as a Scialog Fellow


Lydia is excited to learn she will be able to participate in the 2020/2021 Scialog: Chemical Machinery of the Cell initiative sponsored by the Research Corporation for Science Advancement (RCSA) and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. Scialog meetings support early career faculty, encourage scientists to form multidisciplinary teams, and provide award opportunities and support to obtain further funding for innovative ideas. She’s looking forward to the first meeting in October!

Image by Pablo Gentile

Welcome Ricardo!


Rising 2nd year PhD physics student Ricardo has joined the group to study 3D single molecule imaging within porous materials. We’re looking forward to working with you!


Lydia receives the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh’s Starter Grant Award


Lydia is thankful to have received an instrumentation grant in support of our research efforts. The Starter Grant Award from the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh is given annually to an assistant professor who promotes the training and development of graduate students in the fields of spectroscopy. The grant will be used to expand our instrumental capabilites to three-dimensional, multicolored imaging of single molecules.

Find archived news stories at our former website:

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